Not a Fan – Chapter 4- DTR – Daring to…….
If anyone has completed reading chapter 4, perhaps like me,
you feel like crawling under a rock. Idleman compares Jesus’ place in our
hearts as, in the words of Stevie Wonder, a part time lover. He also
quotes Ezekiel Chapter 16 to illustrate those things in our lives that
steal our focus and desires from our creator as our lovers. How many lovers do
we have? Idleman imposes four questions upon the reader to conclude where Jesus
stands in their lives – is He our one and only, OR is He one of many? During
our last session we focused on some of the characters in the Bible and answered
the question –were they a fan or a follower. Now it is time for the tables to
turn on ourselves and answer that same question.
DTR 1 – Dare to Reflect
Yes, we have to go
there and ponder these questions. We must take full-examination of
DTR 2 – Dare to keep it REAL
Come clean! There is nobody to fool here. Remember, God will not be mocked! It didn’t
take long for me to identify where I was whoring – 1) Where was I sacrificing
my money? – Shoes and music; 2) Where do I turn for comfort? – mother and
friends; 3) What disappoints and frustrates me most? – not being where I
“think” I should be in life (financially, professionally); 4) What is it that
really gets me excited? – Music. Hmmmm – I don’t see Jesus in any of these. I
could say that I listen to gospel music but I don’t think that counts. I recall
a time when I being engaged in conversation with a professor about music and
jazz artists. He commented on how my whole demeanor changed when we got on this
topic -- how my face lit up, how I was smiling the whole time and how much I
knew about jazz music and up and coming artists. The professor said that my
excitement and passion for music was SO evident. Sadly, I can’t recall the last
time someone said that to me when talking about Jesus (well, actually it was 7
years ago shortly after I dedicated my life to Christ – long time). Let’s
keep it real.
DTR 3 – Dare God to Reveal
Okay, some of us may feel we are complete and total
followers of Jesus. If you cannot seem to pinpoint where you are falling short,
ask the Lord to reveal it to you. In Psalm 139:23-24, David dares to ask of God
- 23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my
anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and
lead me in the way everlasting. How many times have we mustered the courage
to ask God to show us what’s really wrong with us and to expose the
dysfunctions and true nature of our hearts?
DTR 4 – Dare to Repent
If your answers (like mine) leaned more towards fan then
follower, we must recognize sin has taken place (and still is). This is an
opportunity to become a follower – a time to pray and ask God for forgiveness –
He wants this. Ask for His wisdom, guidance and strength to rearrange,
transform and renew how we view those things that have pushed Jesus’ place in
our hearts to the side.
DTR 5 – Dare to Respond, Reverse and Reprioritize
Our response to this lesson should be to act on what we have
discovered about ourselves. We have the power to turn the tables and make Jesus
our one and only. Instead of Jesus revolving around our schedules, start
revolving our schedules around Jesus. If we take care of Him, He’ll take care
of us. We have a tendency of doing, doing and doing, and then at the end of the
day say, “Okay, I have a little time to spend with the Lord
before I go to sleep.” We need to reverse the order of our activities and
reprioritize what is really important -
Jesus first, then the rest so that we can carry out the work of the Lord, in
the way He guides you.
Challenge: - Identify your other lovers
and partner with one person in your group. Share your weaknesses with each
other and pray for one another daily, that God may strengthen you both so that your
other lovers will no longer hold a
place of importance in your lives. James
5:16 - Therefore confess your sins to
each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a
righteous person is powerful and effective.
Let us do so with spiritual
maturity, keeping what is confessed to each other in confidence.
Psalm 40:8 - I desire to do your will, my God;
your law is within my heart.Jeremiah 29:13-14 (The Message Bible) - When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. “Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.”GOD’s Decree.
May God bless you and keep you during this period of renewal and transformation!
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